Seminario Europeo para una agenda armonizada de Cooperación con Timor Oriental (Horizonte 2010)


Guest participants:

  • Public cooperation agencies from EU member states which are represented in East Timor: AECID from Spain, IPAD from Portugal, AFD from France, IRISH AID from Ireland and GTZ from Germany.

  • Public cooperation agencies from EU member states which indirectly finance activities in East Timor (multilateral cooperation): Sweden and Finland.

  • ETDR (East Timor Democratic Republic) government representation: Ministério de Negócios e Assuntos Estrangeiros (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Ministério de Finanzas (Ministry of Finance) and Ministério de Justiça (Ministry of Justice).

  • European Commission delegation.

  • Representatives of East Timor civilian society (non-governmental organizations) (NGOs: Haburas, Timor Aid, Belun y Rede Feto).

  • Representatives of European non-governmental organizations which are working in East Timor (Cruz Roja, Paz y Desarrollo, Fundeso y JPTM).

  • Academic representation of experts in East Timor.

  • European and East Timor Media.